Who wouldn't love to be by the shore, with friends, dining on the sea's bounty by means of a good old fashioned clam bake?
If you don't live by the sea, and don't know when the next time you'll find your feet in the sand; here's a recipe that will tide you over till the next time you see, well, the tide.
Yesterday, I scoured the internet looking for such a recipe. I found several that were done on the stove top. Most were done in stages, and involved more ingredients than I wanted or had on hand.
I have a 9Qt. LeCreuset oval dutch oven that I love; and welcome any excuse to use it. So with that, a few ingredients, and a hunger for les fruits des mer, I set off on my quest.
A little more than an hour later, the above treasure emerged from the oven.
Sadie's Land Ho! Oven Clam Bake
Preheat oven to 450F
1 fresh ear of corn per person, halved
2-3 small red potatoes halved
Line the bottom of a large oven proof pot with with corn husks, seaweed, or even cabbage or bokchoy. Top with corn and potatoes:
Next, top with seafood of choice. I used 4- 40z. lobster tails, 2 dozen 21/25 shrimp and 2 dozen littleneck clams. Be sure to discard any clams or mussels that are open prior to cooking.
Cover pot, and pop in the over for 50 minutes. Check at 30 minutes. Clam bake is done when lobster and crab shells are red; shrimp and prawns are pink; and clams and mussels are open wide. Kick back and enjoy!
For a little added ambience...
Its really helpful for me, awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!